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Thursday, 16 January 2025

The heart warming gifts (when leaving from the company)

I had been there for 1 year and a half and quit last month.

I did not expect to make any friends at the beginning in the company as the industry is totally different from mine. That was the initial thoughts. 

However, I watched people in the company daily and then discovered that many of the employees are honest and express themselves naturally. Regarding haircuts, fashion, gender and so on.

Perhaps, I am  close to them! Really, lovely people. (I miss you all!)

So, some of my close people gave me gifts on my last day in the office.   

1. Swedish Bread (Swedish man's self-made)

2. A big Biscuit (from Lady E)

3. This is not for me but for my cat. (from Lady M)

4. A bouquet and several bottles of organic cosmetics. (from Y)

5. A big biscuit and 3 chocolate biscuits (from Lady N)

They have love to give. Not only these above. 
I wish I could work with them on the creative project. (I would be still working in the office.) 

By the way, It is very cold tonight, 3℃ outside in Yokohama now. 
Keep warm and sleep well.
Night night,