If I spoke in my dream, you would hear a Kanto accent. I only speak Osaka-Ben with people who speak with a Kansai accent. (I rarely get the chance, and feel like 3 of 100 people in Tokyo speak in that way.) He is sensitive and catches something far beyond. I had no idea what he felt about this.
He seems to be in a relationship with a girlfriend. I wonder why he left her in his country still now?? Or she may love her career much more than him. Distance relationship is not hard?
If I describe his identity as some Tarot cards;
Looks like a young attractive man. Ambitious, smart, complete mission like a game, has passion,
Thoughtful, engineer, obsess with small differences, good understanding,
Wise like an elderly man, Maybe being quiet at home like a philosopher. He would well coordinate his life.
I had a question for him. "Do you like me? "
I forgot to ask it. I hoped to do so. (because I have already left the company he works in.)
He did not say, "Goodbye" to me. Said "See you" instead. (He is a compassionate man. )
His hand was cold. I wanted to hold his hand for more time.