Friday 20 August 2021

Extreme Weather (Japanese summer 2021)

 It has been more than 2 months since the last blog. Sorry for the absence. I am OK now. It was more than uncomfortable. I got grumpy. Meanwhile, Tokyo Olympics 2020 was held and was ended. I did not know well. Because of Japanese extreme weather if I say. No more extreme summer!! It is becoming yearly severe. You may think it is as same as a steam sauna it is too moist or humid. And the sunbeam kills us with the terrible heat. The temperature is on average 34℃ for about one month. Before that, there is always long rainy days usually for weeks. 

Normally, the Japanese summer ending is supposed to be nice. Cool dry air nicely comes through though, this summer was unlike the usual. It is intermittently raining and 30℃, which is still ongoing today too. Nagasaki, Nagano and some areas in Japan are experiencing a big flood now. Germany and China had it too in a few weeks. East continent from Japan is America, Just opposite side from here Yokohama is California, USA, where has huge wildfire right now. This crazy weather is worldwide.  

I am luckily getting nothing significant, just so much annoyed by this strange weather. I hope you are all right too.