Tuesday 13 October 2020

My favourite Japanese fruit is now the best season


The most favourite fruit is Kaki in my life. I would really like to introduce this fruit to everybody.

This orange curvy square one above. The best season is from October to November, it is about only those 2 months. I ate it in Scotland too. It should have had seeds inside, I am not sure. Japan's authentic type has no seed. 

The texture is similar to mango but it less flavour than the one. Kaki's taste is subtle, it is just naturally sweet. No Kaki shortage during this season. I eat one or two Kaki every day. 

I wanted to show Wase- mikan's inside in the last update, so see this!
It's very juicy. You can easily peel off with your fingers. If you have any chance to come to Japan. I highly recommend you to try once those two Japanese Autumn.