Do you use essential oils at home? I used to do it in my 30s. I bought about 20 types or more of pure essential oils then. I have not purchased any now. This is what I have loved the most ever since.
These are Christmas gifts from my friend last year.
I especially recommend 'Forest Therapy' for sure! It is nicely sweet, but not bitter. You can spray the right one on the pillow, and drop the middle one into a diffuser, the left one for a body massage. Lovely aroma! I worry about running out. 😢 I am serious.
These all products are by;
Aromatherapy Associates
I bring 'Clear Mind' in my bag with me. It is citrus-type. Love it too.
They will be very expensive, if buy them in Japan. 😭
Anyway, I go to bed now. I hope you had a nice day and tomorrow too.
Good night, x