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Wednesday, 22 January 2025

I wish I could live near 'Mark is' Minatomirai

I went to my bed once, but could not sleep. I gonna update one more tonight.

Once ? or twice a week, I  go shopping for food at 'Mark is' near Minatomirai station in Yokohama.  I understood the value a year ago and since then, buying food in the Food Way (B1 floor) at 'Mark is' all the time. 

The previous thoughts were;

  • Looked expensive.
  • I could buy more than needed. (I do not want to spend money on more than essentials.)
  • It is a long way to get back to my flat.
Actually, it is cost friendly (than the supermarket near my place, and excellent quality (fresh), besides, big selections. These brilliant points took over the one thing, is the distance, which trains my arms however.

The Minatomirai area is so spacious and the mood is always bright. I wish I could live nearby. 

Last night's area's image

The white building (a tall right one) would be for the residential. Lovely!

"Masako, you have to earn more money."

I do know that!!