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Saturday, 2 November 2024

Christmas Tree

I love seeing a Christmas tree. Because it is lovely, maybe as a design. But it is not only that, I can feel something holly. 

I saw a Christmas tree for the first time at the kindergarten in my childhood. A catholic church organised the kindergarten, which was in my home area and I went to. My parents and grandparents are not Christian, though. The reason I went to the catholic kindergarten was that my family forgot to apply for me to enter a general regular one. I had no choice more than that in those days. 

So, I had never seen a decollated tree before when I was at age 5. Christmas can be one of the most special events for Christians. The mood was shockingly magnificent to age 5, tiny Masako. It is an unforgettable experience. 

However, my back home is an authentic traditional Japanese house. As the design, it is unlikely to accept the Westernised decollation. I never have the beautiful decollated tree in the back home. Even if forced to place it, which is like a hamburger in the Japanese Soba restaurant. 

I had a dream to live in Scotland once. If I could do that now, I would go to buy a beautiful tree and accessories. I love the atmosphere of Christmas shopping, especially during the season in the UK.

Now I have a new dream. 

I have never been to  New York. I will go see that giant Christmas tree someday! (I have no real plan yet)