Sunday 22 January 2023

Self- made pyjama pants part II

I love the design of the associated Christmas. It makes me feel warm. And the colours and the pattern used for every Christmas product are all lovely. That sort of fun image was far from me as a Japanese in my childhood. 

I did not know the real atmosphere until having lived in Scotland. Once have joined a Christmas dinner in a Scottish house where my landlord lady hosted her relatives, then knew an authentic real Christmas mood in a home in December. That was more festive and cheerful than Japan's new year's day. (we are silent)

I guess that Christmas could be the most respected event in the year for them and also, the happiest time ever. Since then, I understand people love Christmas and desperately go Christmas shopping for the preparation.

 I wish a happy Christmas mood runs for a whole year. So, made a pair of pyjama pants for myself with 2 Christmas print fabrics this time. I would be sleeping well in them.