Thursday 31 January 2019

The one month of October 2012 that just after 2 years' UK life.

Recent two years talking about Brexit has been always in UK's newspapers. Before this Brexit happens I was in the UK, in those days Mr David Cameron was Prime minister. The first year of the life in the UK was everything OK. Plainly studied English language and wished to get work in the UK after the Master's course in GSA ( Glasgow School of Art), since all students who have a conditional engagement of postgraduate study had a chance to get another two years VISA in the UK automatically. However, in 2011 the thing has changed at the moment of renewing the VISA that the timing was the life of the second year starts, just finished academic English course one year successfully in another University in the UK. The UK government changed immigration low at that timing. That means to me, another two years VISA after the Master's course study modified to only another one-month' duration. At that time I determined the chance to stay there after school would have been disappeared. The only in the case, I was able to get the engagement of future work while the student's life I could stay longer there. Like this phenomenon may have been escalated and finally headed to Brexit in 2016 in my opinion.

 Sadly, I returned to Tokyo on 2nd October 2012. The relief was that one trustable friend Y gave me space and bed in her flat. In those days, she lived in Tokyo where is near to Denenchofu. She engaged me with no deal, none of the negotiations. The initial plan of after getting off the plane it was only one week stay in her flat though, she has a big heart, allowed me to stay until I get a job to survive anyway. I have my parent's house in Japan, but a fortuneteller said that my life gets worse if you go back to parent's house. So that, I made the decision to get a job to survive in Tokyo or Yokohama. 

In this surviving period, almost every night about midnight before bedtime, we had a cup of coffee. In that jeopardy time, it was one most unwind situation and saved my damaged heart.  

One of the nice local Scottish friends gave me Tunnock's tea cakes to say good-bye before leaving the UK in a few days. It dragged my sentimentalism, but the cake was sweet and lovely. I love this cake. 
The friend Y and I ate all the cake. 

Despite I had no job, no income anything, my friend Y gave me often Japanese nice sweets. What I did was cooking and cleaning in her flat. I appreciated her generosity deeply. I won't forget her kindness forever. And I do not want to return to such chaotic one month.

Thank you, Y from my heart.