Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Modification of this blog's header picture completed.

As of 22nd Jan 2025

The colour of a dusk sky gives you a warm feeling and it is unwind.  

The situation is that on the way home after my work finished. 

This is my dream home. Surrounded by a natural environment and animals. I prefer living on flat land to a mountain(it has steep slopes). Maybe, it only happens in Hokkaido, Japan or Canada?? 

You can use this image as a wallpaper for your PC, if you like!

I wish I could live near 'Mark is' Minatomirai

I went to my bed once, but could not sleep. I gonna update one more tonight.

Once ? or twice a week, I  go shopping for food at 'Mark is' near Minatomirai station in Yokohama.  I understood the value a year ago and since then, buying food in the Food Way (B1 floor) at 'Mark is' all the time. 

The previous thoughts were;

  • Looked expensive.
  • I could buy more than needed. (I do not want to spend money on more than essentials.)
  • It is a long way to get back to my flat.
Actually, it is cost friendly (than the supermarket near my place, and excellent quality (fresh), besides, big selections. These brilliant points took over the one thing, is the distance, which trains my arms however.

The Minatomirai area is so spacious and the mood is always bright. I wish I could live nearby. 

Last night's area's image

The white building (a tall right one) would be for the residential. Lovely!

"Masako, you have to earn more money."

I do know that!!

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Modification on this header's image.

Modified this blog's header image a little bit. The point is the sky colour.


Early morning


Can not chose which one. I gonna decide tomorrow.

If you have an opinion, give me comments 😍



It has been a month since I last saw him

Last night, It was too cold to sit at my desk and fell asleep earlier than usual. Today, it is nice sunny, and the warmest in a week.  

One month has passed since the last time I saw him. One month is soon coming. It is impossible to know how is he doing since then. No one knows that I like him. I have never ever told to anyone else. People believe that he is just one of many users in the room. Maybe because my attitude towards others was also looked the same way. The big differences were my eyes and my heartbeat. (Anyone can not distinguish, but only him.)  

So, I have no support for hearing currently about him like, "He was having a sliced red-skinned fish.", "He was chatting lauder with teammates." or "His beard has gone!?" 

Only I know I like him. I hope to see him again. I messaged it to him on the 1st of this month, and he responded nothing. (Maybe, he can not lie.) 

Valentine's Day is coming next month. 

Do you have any plans to spend time with your partner?

"Masako, let's have dinner together on the special day." 

" He may not be in Japan on the day like last year."

I wish I could have casual dinner with him like Okonomiyaki, Monjayaki or Yakitori. And want happily getting drunk and big laughter! hopefully.

If you were me, what you do next? Or do nothing? 

I gonna go to bed, now.

Night night, 


Sunday, 19 January 2025

MARMITE (full line up)

I had all of them. Marmite is obviously tangy. Love or hate.

This is so good, for sure! Anyone would love this taste. 
By the way,
 I want to go to bed soon. It is very cold tonight. 

Keep warm everyone!

Good night,


Saturday, 18 January 2025

Mel Robbins says, "LET THEM!"

 She is a life coach and motivational speaker, Mel Robbins.

I respect how she turned her life from negative to positive.

I knew she published the book 5 Seconds Rule years ago, and I listened to her speech at TED Talks. Since then, her videos have often appeared multiple times on YouTube's suggestions. I had expected that she would appear with Oprah someday, and she did! 

Her new incredible word (book) has been released recently. 


That is so powerful and understandable. Yes, that is right! 

Besides, you are captured by bad reality, and it prevents you from doing what you really hope to do.  

If you are interested, you can watch it. Click the image below.

Click to watch this

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 16 January 2025

The heart warming gifts (when leaving from the company)

I had been there for 1 year and a half and quit last month.

I did not expect to make any friends at the beginning in the company as the industry is totally different from mine. That was the initial thoughts. 

However, I watched people in the company daily and then discovered that many of the employees are honest and express themselves naturally. Regarding haircuts, fashion, gender and so on.

Perhaps, I am  close to them! Really, lovely people. (I miss you all!)

So, some of my close people gave me gifts on my last day in the office.   

1. Swedish Bread (Swedish man's self-made)

2. A big Biscuit (from Lady E)

3. This is not for me but for my cat. (from Lady M)

4. A bouquet and several bottles of organic cosmetics. (from Y)

5. A big biscuit and 3 chocolate biscuits (from Lady N)

They have love to give. Not only these above. 
I wish I could work with them on the creative project. (I would be still working in the office.) 

By the way, It is very cold tonight, 3℃ outside in Yokohama now. 
Keep warm and sleep well.
Night night,